by argowes | Jul 19, 2017
HW609 cv. USPP 09863 AC™ Harrow Sweet HW609 cv. is a late ripening selection that harvests approximately 3 ½ weeks after Bartlett. Fruit size is comparable to Bartlett and the variety is precocious and productive. Sun exposed fruit develop an attractive blush and...
by argowes | Jul 19, 2017
HW616 cv. USPP 16,124 AC™ Harrow Gold HW616 cv. ripens approximately 10 days before Bartlett and is a cross between Harvest Queen and Harrow Delight. The fruit are yellow with smooth skin and fine texture. AC™ Harrow Gold has a flavor that is balanced between...
by argowes | Jul 19, 2017
HW610 cv. USPP 17,843 AC™ Harrow Crisp HW610 cv. is a medium sized selection that is slightly larger than Bartlett. The variety tends to develop an attractive red blush in cooler climates and the fruit is mildly sweet, smooth, and grit free. The pears remain firm even...
by argowes | Jul 19, 2017
D’Anjou is known as the standard for winter pears which is a late ripening pear that displays strong storage characteristic. Buerre D’Anjou pears are mildly sweet with short necks and very smooth textured skin. Unlike Bartlett, pears do not change from green to yellow...
by argowes | Jul 19, 2017
HW614 cv Cold Snap® HW614 cv., dubbed as a winter’s favorite pear, is a large, high yielding pear selection that has high tolerance to fire blight. The variety was bred by Agri-Food Canada and ripens approximately 3 weeks after Bartlett. It is productive and...